Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sleep Over.

Virginia and I had our Granddaughter, Hannah, for a sleepover last night. Great fun! Not a first but as she is getting older (2 1/2) every visit just seems to get better as communications and activities are more fun for all. Out to dinner last night at the golf club buffet, Granddad and Hannah off to the Belgian bakery early this morning for fresh croissants and hot chocolate and coffee, the Italian deli (Spolumbo's) for lunch and of course Oliver's candy store for some pre Easter treats. Ok, this visit was focused on good food, I promise Hannah next time we will go to the Zoo!

Lots of post sleepover clean-up as we have way to many toys, the kitchen set and little plastic animals seem to be the favorites.

I meant to take a few photos but just forgot.