Just got back from a fairy-tale Bermuda wedding: "James and Gambrill get married". The setting was picture perfect and the ceremony touching. The wedding, the reception, dinner, fireworks.... it all had a feeling of being in a movie it was just so beautiful and well done.
It is always surprising what you take away from events like this, and this time it was no different. My 'Bermuda nieces and nephew', Louise, James and Sarah have a love that is special. Watching James lean on his sisters, the sisters agonize over their brothers anxious moments leading up to the wedding day, helping out in so many ways and just be so damn happy for James and his bride, Gambrill, it was a joy to see.
But could not help reflecting on the fact that I have never been close to my brothers and really don't think about my relation to them except at family gatherings like this wedding, then I leave the event depressed over the fact that we never do talk and I really don't have much interest in talking anyway (not sure which is worse). I didn't even get a call from my eldest brother, who lives half way around the world, despite being on a small island for 10 days with him: like to have lunch? Hey, I did not call him either. I think the days of sitting around and re-living stories of our childhood have long past, it just is unfortunate that in our family it never happened, so the memory does not get re-enforced and eventually there is none.
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